2022 | SDCTF | MISC

Bishop Duel


2 bishops on the chessboard.

Goal 1 (first flag)
Lose the game by letting your bishop be captured.

Goal 2 (second flag)
Win by capturing the other bishop.

Avoiding a draw is easy huh? But wait...

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use std::io::{stdout, Write};
use std::process::exit;
use std::thread::sleep;
use std::time::Duration;

* Can you tell this was my first rust program ever? lmao

use crossterm::{cursor, execute, queue, style, terminal::{Clear, EnterAlternateScreen, LeaveAlternateScreen}};
use crossterm::terminal::ClearType;
use rand::{rngs, SeedableRng};
use rand::prelude::SliceRandom;
use text_io::read;

static TITLE_SCREEN: &str = "
    -=H=-          BISHOP DUEL
    ] [   -- press enter to start --

// having to double escape these backslashes makes this astoundingly ugly
static BOARD: &str = "
\\__\\\\\\\\__\\\\\\\\__\\\\\\\\__\\\\\\\\      Q#      - up left # spaces
\\\\\\\\__\\\\\\\\__\\\\\\\\__\\\\\\\\__\\         E#  - up right # spaces
\\__\\\\\\\\__\\\\\\\\__\\\\\\\\__\\\\\\\\    Z#      - down left # spaces
\\\\\\\\__\\\\\\\\__\\\\\\\\__\\\\\\\\__\\       C#  - down right # spaces
    \\\\\\\\__\\\\\\\\__\\\\\\\\__\\\\\\\\__\\       D - offer draw
    \\__\\\\\\\\__\\\\\\\\__\\\\\\\\__\\\\\\\\      R - resign


enum Direction {
    UpLeft, UpRight, DownLeft, DownRight

struct Bishop {
    position: u16

impl Bishop {
    fn get_xy(&self) -> (u16, u16) {
        let rows = self.position / 8 + 1;
        return ((self.position % 8) * 3 + rows, rows);

    fn move_position(&mut self, dir: Direction, dist: u16) -> bool {
        let position_multiplier: i32 = match dir {
            Direction::UpRight => -7,
            Direction::DownLeft => 7,
            Direction::UpLeft => -9,
            Direction::DownRight => 9,

        let new_position = i32::from(self.position) + position_multiplier * i32::from(dist);

        // make sure we don't exceed the bottom and top of the chessboard
        if new_position < 0 || new_position > 64 { return false; }
        // make sure we don't exceed the left and right edge of the chessboard
        match dir {
            Direction::UpLeft | Direction::DownLeft => {
                if self.position % 8 < dist { return false; }
            Direction::UpRight | Direction::DownRight => {
                if dist + self.position % 8 > 8 { return false; }

        self.position = u16::try_from(new_position).unwrap();
        return true;

fn pause(msg: &str) -> String {
    println!("{}", msg);

fn main() {
    let mut stdout = stdout();

    let mut is_player_turn = true;

    let mut white_bishop = Bishop { position: 5 };
    let mut black_bishop = Bishop { position: 57 };

    queue!(stdout, EnterAlternateScreen, Clear(ClearType::All), style::Print(TITLE_SCREEN)).unwrap();

    loop {
        let (bb_x, bb_y) = black_bishop.get_xy();
        let (ww_x, ww_y) = white_bishop.get_xy();
            cursor::MoveTo(0, 0),
            cursor::MoveTo(bb_x, bb_y),
            cursor::MoveTo(ww_x, ww_y),
            cursor::MoveTo(0, 10)

        // this means SOMEBODY has been captured
        if white_bishop.position == black_bishop.position {
            if is_player_turn {
                pause("You have been defeated! Your flag is REDACTED");
            pause("You have claimed victory! Your flag is REDACTED");

        if is_player_turn {
            // if its the white bishop's turn
            execute!(stdout, style::Print("You are the white bishop. Input move > ")).unwrap();
            let command: String = read!("{}\n");

            let mut command_chars = command.chars();
            if let Some(c1) = command_chars.next() {
                match c1 {
                    'r' | 'R' => {
                        pause("A brave bishop shall never resign!");
                    'd' | 'D' => {
                        execute!(stdout, style::Print("The black bishop is thinking.")).unwrap();
                        execute!(stdout, style::Print(".")).unwrap();
                        execute!(stdout, style::Print(".")).unwrap();
                        pause("Accepted! The game is a draw!");
                    _ => {
                        let direction: Direction = match c1 {
                            'e' | 'E' => Direction::UpRight,
                            'z' | 'Z' => Direction::DownLeft,
                            'q' | 'Q' => Direction::UpLeft,
                            'c' | 'C' => Direction::DownRight,
                            _ => continue
                        let distance = match command_chars.next() {
                            None => continue,
                            Some(c2) => match c2.to_digit(10) {
                                None => continue,
                                Some(d) => d as u16

                        let successful = white_bishop.move_position(direction, distance);
                        if successful {
                            // now its the black bishop's turn
                            is_player_turn = false;
        } else {
            // black bishop's turn
            println!("The black bishop is thinking...");

            // get all black spaces and filter by currently accessible
            let curr = i32::from(black_bishop.position);
            let mut possible_positions =
                    .map(|i| if (i/8) % 2 == 0 { i } else { i+1 })
                    .filter(|i| (curr - i).abs() % 7 == 0 || (curr - i).abs() % 9 == 0).collect::<Vec<i32>>();

            // if the white bishop is in our path, CRUSH THEM
            if possible_positions.contains(&i32::from(white_bishop.position)) {
                black_bishop.position = white_bishop.position;
                is_player_turn = true;

            // otherwise, let's filter out moves that would put us in the path of the white bishop
            let white_curr = i32::from(white_bishop.position);
            if white_curr % 2 == 0 {
                possible_positions = possible_positions.into_iter()
                    .filter(|i| (white_curr - i) % 7 != 0 && (white_curr - i) % 9 != 0).collect::<Vec<i32>>();

            // otherwise, randomly select a new move
            let mut rng = rngs::StdRng::seed_from_u64(white_bishop.position as u64);
            let new_position = possible_positions.choose(&mut rng).unwrap();
            black_bishop.position = u16::try_from(*new_position).unwrap();

            // now its the white bishop's turn
            is_player_turn = true;

    execute!(stdout, LeaveAlternateScreen).unwrap();


  • 使用 QEZC 在棋盘范围内移动时,由于走的是对角线,黑白主教始终在对应类型(黑 / 白)的格子内移动,没有交集

    \__\\\\__\\\\__\WW\__\\\\      Q#      - up left # spaces
     \\\\__\\\\__\\\\__\\\\__\         E#  - up right # spaces
      \__\\\\__\\\\__\\\\__\\\\    Z#      - down left # spaces
       \\\\__\\\\__\\\\__\\\\__\       C#  - down right # spaces
         \\\\__\\\\__\\\\__\\\\__\       D - offer draw
          \__\\\\__\\\\__\\\\__\\\\      R - resign
  • 想要抓到 black bishop 或者被抓到,首先要移动到同一种类型的格子里

  • 那么关键点就是函数 move_position 了,因为移动并不是按照类似 \((x,y)\) 的坐标形式。实际上,每个格子的位置相当于按照光栅扫描的顺序编号,根据 当前位置 + 对应方向的系数 * 移动格数 取得下一个位置,然后判断移动是否有效
    • 新位置的值应在 \([0,64]\) 之间
    • 如果移动方向为左上/左下,那么移动格数不大于当前位置的值模 \(8\)
    • 如果移动方向为右上/右下,那么移动格数与当前位置值模 \(8\) 的和不大于 \(8\)
  • 以初始位置 \(5\) 为例,上移一定导致位置值小于 \(0\),所以只考虑下移
    • 右下移动两格以内显然是可行的,但如果是 \(3\) 格呢?显然新位置的值不会超过 \(64(> 5+9\times 3)\),而 \(3+5 \% 8\) 恰好等于 \(8\),所以可以移动,并且会进入 black_bishop 的移动范围 ΦωΦ
    • 左下方向正常可移动范围内的格子就有五个了,所以想要利用左下移动跳到另一种类型的格子是不可行的 —v—
  • 移动到同一种类型的格子之后,再玩玩游戏就能获得 Flag 啦 \(ΦωΦ ≡ ΦωΦ)/


Goal 1 (first flag)


Goal 2 (second flag)


最后更新: 2022年5月10日 21:35:00
Contributors: YanhuiJessica
