2020 | 强网杯 | 强网先锋



  • nc连过去,要求输入三个字符, 其与剩下的随机字符串进行 SHA256 加密的结果等于等号后的随机字符串
    $ nc 8005
    sha256(XXX+f2DXa00fbrrtXrZAV) == fad0b6f4dc03f907b999f15db8b467b17139189d2cc61f9fc37e213d91d0a2aa
    Give me XXX:
  • 使用 Python 破解
    from hashlib import sha256
    import itertools
    table = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'
    for ch in itertools.permutations(table, 3):
        m = ''.join(ch) + 'f2DXa00fbrrtXrZAV'
        h = sha256(m.encode()).hexdigest()
        if (h == 'fad0b6f4dc03f907b999f15db8b467b17139189d2cc61f9fc37e213d91d0a2aa'):
  • 进入系统后,要求输入名字,随便输一个就可以
    Welcome to the challenge!
    give me your name:yanhui
    your cash:10
    you can choose: transact, view records, provide a record, get flag, hint
  • 首先选择get flag查看,提示现金不足
    > get flag
    you need pay 1000 for the flag!
    don't have enough money!
  • 查看hint,给出了transact的加密方式
    def transact_ecb(key, sender, receiver, amount):
        aes = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB)
        ct = b""
        ct += aes.encrypt(sender)
        ct += aes.encrypt(receiver)
        ct += aes.encrypt(amount)
        return ct
  • view records给出的是经过加密的交易记录,provide a record则给出My system is secure if you can give me other records, the receiver can also get the money.
  • 首要目标是要获得足够的现金,看看交易
    > transact
    please give me the trader and the amount(for example:Alice 1)
    > Alice 1
    your cash:9
    you can choose: transact, view records, provide a record, get flag, hint
    > transact
    please give me the trader and the amount(for example:Alice 1)
    > Alice 0
    your cash:9
  • 输入金额为 \(0\) 的话,交易也可以成功进行!尝试一下负数,看能不能获得现金
    > transact
    please give me the trader and the amount(for example:Alice 1)
    > Alice -1
    your cash:11
  • 发现可以成功增加持有现金,并没有被过滤之类的,获得足够现金之后就可以『购买』Flag 了!【之前还以为要考虑 ECB 加密……】 获得 Flag

最后更新: 2020年10月26日 10:36:26
Contributors: YanhuiJessica
