2022 | LITCTF | crypto

Dynamic RSA


Nowadays, clients just keep changing their requirements! They said e=65537 is too boring for RSA and that they wanted a dynamic encryption system instead. Oh, I'll give it to them!

Connect with nc litctf.live 31792



  • 已知经过 RSA 加密的 Flag 的密文及随机数种子/加密指数 \(e\)

    flag = open('flag.txt','rb').read();
    m = bytes_to_long(flag);
    e = 65537;
    p = getPrime(200);
    q = getPrime(200);
    phi = (p-1) * (q-1);
    n = p * q;
    ct = pow(m, e, n)
    print("My secret flag is " + str(ct));
  • 可以与服务器进行两种交互

    • 提供私钥,获得 Flag 密文的解密结果
    • 提供任意消息,获得「消息+盐值」的加密结果
    while True:
        inp = input("Guess Private Key (1) or Encrypt Message (2): ");
        if (inp == "1"):
            d = int(input("Enter Private Key: "));
            print(long_to_bytes(pow(ct, d, n)));
        elif (inp == "2"):
            test_e = e_gen()
            # Oh great they made me change the algorithm again
            # They said its "TOO BLAND"
            # FINE I'll add more seasoning
            salt = get_random_bytes(8).hex();
            inp = bytes_to_long((input("Enter Message: ") + salt).encode());
            test_ct = pow(inp, test_e, n);
            print("Your Message (remember to convert): " + str(test_ct));
            print("BAD OPTION");
  • 不过重点在函数 e_gen 以及 gcd。随机数种子已知,则可以求出 test_e。因为 test_e 是质数,所以 gcd(test_e, phi) 只有两种结果,要么是 \(1\),要么是 test_e。当 gcd(test_e, phi) 的结果为 test_e 时,new_e = 1,此时密文与明文相同,可以确定 phi 的其中一个因数。但显然,结果 gcd(test_e, phi)\(1\) 的情况更多

    def gcd(a,b):
        # Client said the loading screen is too boring
        # So they want something with more flair and movement while they wait
        if(a == 0):
            return b;
        if(b == 0):
            return a;
        print(".,"[(b // a) & 1], end = "");
        return gcd(b % a,a);
    # Clients keep complaining that making e always 65537 is too boring
    # So they changed their requirements and wanted a "dynamic encryption system"
    # I literally can't
    def e_gen():
        print("Loading", end = "")
        test_e = nextprime(random.randint(1, 100000));
        # Okay but I literally can't use a random e if gcd is not 1
        # It's like most fundamental part of RSA!!!
        new_e = test_e // gcd(test_e, phi);
        return new_e
  • 重写的函数 gcd 给出了每一步 b // a 结果的奇偶性,因为第一步 phi 的值未知,所以从第二步开始考虑,即 gcd(phi % test_e, test_e)test_e 已知,phi % test_e 是小于 test_e 的自然数,仅根据每一步 b // a 结果的奇偶性是有一定概率能够确定 phi % test_e 的。以 \(13\) 为例 gcd 的计算结果如下,可见部分 b // a 奇偶性结果序列与 phi % test_e 有一对一映射关系

    gcd(1, 13) ,
    gcd(2, 13) ..
    gcd(3, 13) .,
    gcd(4, 13) ,.
    gcd(5, 13) .,,.
    gcd(6, 13) ..
    gcd(7, 13) ,,.
    gcd(8, 13) ,,,,.
    gcd(9, 13) ,..
    gcd(10, 13) ,,,
    gcd(11, 13) ,,.
    gcd(12, 13) ,.
  • 由此可利用中国剩余定理计算出 phi,从而得出私钥 d

    import random, pwn
    from sympy import nextprime
    from sage.all import crt, Integer
    from Crypto.Util.number import inverse
    def gcd(a, b):
        if a == 0 or b == 0:
            return ''
        return '.,'[(b // a) & 1] + gcd(b % a, a)
    e = 65537
    state = random.getstate()
    gcd_res = dict()
    for i in set(nextprime(random.randint(1, 100000)) for _ in range(750)):
        gcd_res[i] = ['']
        for j in range(1, i):
            gcd_res[i].append(gcd(j, i))
    conn = pwn.remote('litctf.live', 31792)
    mo, rem = [], []
    pre_crt = 0
    while True:
        conn.sendafter('Encrypt Message (2): ', '2\n')
        test_e = nextprime(random.randint(1, 100000))
        res = conn.recvline().decode().strip()[7:]
        conn.sendafter('Enter Message:', '0\n')
        if len(res) == 1 and test_e not in mo:
            cur = crt(rem, mo)
            if cur == pre_crt:
            pre_crt = cur
        if test_e in gcd_res and test_e not in mo and gcd_res[test_e].count(res[1:]) == 1:
            cur = crt(rem, mo)
            if cur == pre_crt:
            pre_crt = cur
    d = inverse(e, pre_crt)
    conn.sendafter('Encrypt Message (2): ', '1\n')
    conn.sendafter('Enter Private Key:', f'{d}\n')



最后更新: 2022年8月2日 16:15:12
Contributors: YanhuiJessica
